
Lemon & Lively

running a blog/business as a DID system

tea talks

by Jane Lively, from Lemon & Lively​

In the first email I sent to you, I mentioned having dissociative disorder.

I prefer the people who scoff at that sort of thing to unsubscribe straightaway -- and OMG, does it work! I put my "red flags" up first.

So me referencing DID shouldn't be a secret.

What IS a secret: My deadname.

I started going by "Freya J. Lively", "Freya J." for short, on the internet because I was receiving messages from people who developed parasocial relationships with me.

The bigger your audience grows, the more people think they know you personally and feel entitled to your time/being in your personal life/etc. Parasocial relationships aren't inherently bad; they step into toxic territory when a person demands attention or to be in your life. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

For the past few months, "Freya J." has been extremely dissociating for me.

Most times I look in the mirror, I see a stranger. I don't recognize myself until I do.

Having DID, my identity is dynamic and not static.

I recognize I live in a world dominated by singlets whose identities ARE static, who find changing identities "frequently" or dynamically as "sus" or "sketchy".

I'm writing this email because I need to stop using the identity I switched to using because I have DID.

What "Freya J." has meant all along:

  • a stage name
  • a collective name, for the system collectively, because of functional multiplicity, per the naming styling singlets accept (because "The Lemon System" is not what singlets accept)
  • an alter duo between Freya and Jane.

Here's a sort of "riddle" explanation, if you can follow it:

I am me, except in the context of β€œwe” β€” unless the context of β€œwe” demands an β€œI”, in which case β€œI” am β€œwe” instead of β€œme” the same time, β€œI” am always β€œme”, even when I’m β€œwe”, for both myself and the collective are the sum of all our parts…even when we’re β€œI”.

It's complicated. πŸ˜… Am I 100% Jane right now? Yes...and no...and also yes and no, and lots of asterisks because it depends. 🀣

But I'm Jane enough to prefer using Jane for a longer time than I have been publicly as of late. I've been more Jane than Freya J., and I want the recognition dammit πŸ˜‚

The closest similarity for non-systems might be group projects:

  • Everyone is expected to do their part and have an even amount of work.
  • A few people wind up doing most of the work.
  • The entire group receives the credit for something amazing you executed.
  • Lather, rinse, repeat. πŸ‘€

When I'm "at the front", I like to embrace it...because with DID, I never know how much time I'll have.

With that same analogy, "fronting" is like presenting or having recognition that you pulled off the project within the group.

"Dormancy" would be absence during the entire group project, despite being part of the group.

"Functional multiplicity" is like a mix between system responsibility (whole group receives credit/shares credit AND takes responsibility for the actions of other group members) and fronting.

The best part of all of this is that I rebranded last year to Lemon & Lively to allow for this. exact. thing. ✨

Typing out my name below felt sooo right and validating,
Jane Lively

P.S. Reply back and tell me something you've learned about DID! :D

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205​
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Lemon & Lively

I'm a neurodivergent lifestyle blogger and content creator. I'm moving to the Midwest in 2025! Subscribe to follow my journey. πŸ‘‡

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